A single word can make all the difference

A single word can make all the difference

Executive Summary

I am exploring creative AI applications in business beyond automating tasks. Instead of just saving costs, think about using AI for personalized and scalable solutions. Examples include generating custom product descriptions and translating training manuals into local dialects and formats for different learning styles. The key is shifting from “must” (mandatory) to “can” (innovative possibilities) thinking. Embracing this mindset will set businesses apart, making them more innovative and competitive in their industries.

You think we should do what?!

Today, we're diving into the exciting world of AI applications in business. My previous articles discussed the need to shift our mental models when approaching AI projects. Now, let’s explore some areas where AI can genuinely excel!

It can take a lot of work to think about AI and what it can do for your business. One of the go-to concepts is automating tedious work or accelerating projects by enabling people to work more efficiently. These can be significant use cases and have been the focus of a lot of energy; I won’t go into that here. Instead, let’s get creative!

Let’s use retail as an example. For those who don’t know, teams of people write copy we see daily on every shopping site we use. See that product description? Someone wrote that.

Simple Innovation Thinking

“We must use GenAI to write all of that copy! Think of the money we will save on headcount!”

Creative Innovation Thinking

“We can use GenAI to create personalized product descriptions based on what we know about our customers.”

At first glance, these two seem very similar. But there is a subtle superpower here. Imagine if GenAI didn’t exist, and I came to my copywriting team and said I wanted them to write custom product descriptions for even a handful of demographics. The scale would be nearly impossible. But with GenAI, you can do your everyday copy work and generate the rest for editing. Also, consider the benefit to your copywriting staff's exposure to copy customized demographically. It will make them better.

The companies that can get past the initial blast radius of GenAI and start thinking like this are the ones that will win.

Simple Innovation Thinking

“We must translate this training manual from English to all our employee’s native languages.”

Creative Innovation Thinking

“We can translate the training manual from English to the native language and generate manuals that use local dialects! “

“Oh….we can then get four different versions written at various reading levels!“

“Wait a second; we can generate versions for different learning styles and disabilities!”

The first example is still a great innovation that could unlock the ability to keep manuals and training up to date because it removes the friction of publishing in other languages. But the second set of examples takes the concept to an entirely new level that would not have been feasible before GenAI. Plus, it empowers your workforce with training that meets them where they are rather than seeking to replace them.

A single word can make all the difference.

In both simple innovation examples, you will see the word “must.” Think about the emotions around things that use the word “must.” These tasks are not negotiable and must be completed unless you want to suffer the consequences. Dishes and taxes are musts. I do them to maintain the status quo.

The creative innovation examples all use the word “can.” Starting from a place of “What CAN I do?” is a much different place than must. Think about the joy when the “musts” are done and you are at “What do I want to do?”. What soon follows is, “Well, what can I do?” Those times are energizing, right? Think of what it can do for your business.

With AI, it feels like a new “must” comes out every day. The consequence is that your competition will be more profitable than you by saving more money than you. Now, these musts are not to be ignored to be sure. Eventually, however, the optimization gains will level off. The companies that carve out the time and build a culture now where the “can” thinking is integral are the ones that will truly set the bar in their industries using GenAI.

Bonus creative innovation example

“We can use our written training to generate a script to shoot video training!”

“Wait! We can then use the script to create the video itself, which means we can update it anytime we want without costly reshoots!”

“Hold the phone! Can we do all this reading level and language stuff for our app that tells our associates what tasks are to be done in our stores?”


A great example of "can"

A great example of "can"

The process: The fuzzy edges of Generative AI

The process: The fuzzy edges of Generative AI